Sunday, October 13, 2024

Shaping A Future

Taking responsibility for the life and future of another person as a parent or mentor is specific dynamic which many games struggle with expressing and systematising. Raising Simulation games step into this niche and attempt to express the complex ideas and emotions surrounding the subject in a direct and engaging manner. To communicate the narrative of this journey a visual novel format is often chosen due to how the two favourably interact with each other. The menu based nature of a Raising Simulation alongside the stat based gameplay help complement and contrast the narrative while keeping the focus squarely on the character being raised through the player’s actions. Multiple options and endings are a staple of both styles of game and create an experience defined by actions and their long term consequences. The modular nature of a visual novel system plays a large role in how this entire package can come together in such a cohesive fashion. Let’s assume the role of parenthood and discover how the duty of care can be an evocative narrative.

Helping Them Reach Their Potential

On a system level a Raising Simulation focuses around planning out the day to day life of the person being mentored. These then play out and stats go up and down depending on the choices made after which the player repeats this cycle. It is in the way the game presents these individual elements of the player’s plan as the first and most repeated interaction with the visual novel sections. Each one is generally given a small pool of short dialogue interactions for each type of activity on the schedule and these play out one after another to create a sense of the character going about their day. They can take many different forms to fit the needs of the specific title with some covering the whole screen in a normal visual novel style to being a small window and chibi art depicting the events. Including these short vignettes helps add some much need character and humanity to what would otherwise be series of cold spreadsheet calculations through their intimate nature while framing them in a light manner. Having a short duration and multiple version helps them not become tedious or interfere with the flow of the game as they blend into the framing of the stat increases and make it feeling like there is always something new to experience during these sections. 
Being a mentor is never easy

An interesting example of this practice can be found in Girlish Grimoire Littlewitch Romanesque with the selection of small events it uses to highlight training sessions. These are light hearted and cover the heroines’ growth as they meet stumbling blocks and success. Over the course of the game they present a convincing picture of effect the player’s training is having on them and provides a sense of progression outside of the main story. Interpersonal conflicts only play a minor role in these events with any friction between the heroines or the protagonist being played up for comic effect in order ensure nothing on consequence happens in them. This helps create a sense of the trio as a sort of family who clash on occasion, but ultimately do care about each other which is in keeping with the themes and tone of the game as a whole. Their position just after a stat focused section means they act to create a space where the player can be remained that they are dealing with people rather a spreadsheet in order to prevent the game accidentally distancing the player from their actions. Having these events be visual novel in nature means they are quick to view and multiple can be produced easily to keep them feeling fresh while still offering the expected character centric experience. The distinctive choice of speech-bubble textboxes reinforces the quick and easy feeling of these scenes where everything is expressed in a concise format.

Life’s Many Paths

Shaping the eventual fate of the character you are guiding is a core part of the identity of the Raising Simulation. What this means is a series of different narrative paths which change based on the players actions and how they choose to shape the character’s stats or relationships. As such there is a need for a style of story presentation which is flexible enough to allow for this level of alternative outcomes while being able to be produced smoothly in the large quantities this approach demands. Visual novel sections are the obvious choice for this kind of content with their lean production methods and the in build audience expectation for branching narratives. It also offers a consistent framework to express the variety of idea required for these alternative endings while using the same art and sound for vastly different effects without them coming across as clashing due to their relatively simple nature and universal framing. Being able to act as self contained units of story and still being able to reflect the artist and tonal vision of the Raising Simulation mechanics through their common use of assets helps form a sense of continuity between the player’s action in developing the character and what sort of person they become since they share a link in terms of how the player perceive them and their expected behaviour. Of course subverting this expectation is something the flexible elements of the visual novel sections also allow for as the familiar actions of the character you have been raising spiral out of control due to your mistakes and it can be made personal through the intimate nature of the format. 
The indirect nature of player expression makes the Raising Simulation an odd genre

The Princess Maker games showcase how this demand for multiple paths influences the narrative presentation of Raising Simulators. They are titles defined by their flexibility and the means they offer for player expression through the various endings to the princess’s journey. Each outcome is written in such a way as to be believable no matter the path used to reach it while still offering the feeling of being a fitting conclusion to the tale through vague nods it makes to player actions without specifying what they were so the player can fill in the gaps however they desire. Giving the player enough space of insert their own experiences into the narrative is a trick the games uses liberally so the focus on it in the divergent paths does not come across as out of place, but rather they appear to be pulling all those threads into a sense of completeness. Understanding the need to offer a fitting outcome for the player’s actions is a key feature of a good Raising Simulation and Princess Maker places these moments of change at key milestones of the princess’ life to allow their impact to match the journey’s rising stakes.

As Much Or As Little 

A modular system of narrative storytelling is a fundamental requirement for any title in this genre due to their stop and start structure preventing a more standard linear style from being used. The system of presentation needs to be able to say what needs to be said in both long and short form while not making the jump between them feel jarring. Here is where the visual novel acts as the perfect element to meet the needs of this shifting gameplay style. It has the ability to be concise or verbose depending on the situation and use the same set of tools to do so in order to offer the narrative an instantly recognisable layout so the player immediately knows what is going on. The relatively static nature of what it display on screen helps in merge seamlessly into the menu based nature of the Raising Simulation as the two animate in a similarly rudimentary way, but still posses the ability to convey complex emotional states. Any gaps in story content where the game wants to focus in on the act of raising the character can be accommodated as the visual novel sections act as individual building blocks for the narrative rather than a direct flowing story so it in their totality that the tale is told and any pauses do not matter on this scale. 
The future is a strange thing

We can look to Volcano Princess to see this modular structure in action. Over its entire playtime the game loves to swap between telling its story and the act of raising in order to create its pacing through the contrast of its two halves. It ties these seemly contrasting bodies together through the tight focus they all have on the protagonist’s daughter who is the person the player will be raising. This enables it to invest the player in the person they are raising through the story and the act of raising them with the mechanics focuses on this emotion. Each modular element lets the player see what consequences their choices are having without becoming too invasive or too distant and it aids in selling the daughter as their own person. Keeping the suspense of what is going to happen next to the daughter is also a core motivator offered to the player through the spacing of the visual novel sections.


Raising Simulations and visual novels are a pairing which works to help the player understand the importance of its primary characters while knowing how to take their hands off to let the flow of events carry them forward. Mixing in short vignettes helps add context to what would otherwise be a series of dry numbers ticking up and reinforces the idea of this character preforming these actions of self improvement. The modular nature of the visual novel sections give the narrative a flexibility to raise and fall around the Raising Simulation mechanics so as to not get in their way and provide them with the space to form a story. All of this is drawn together in the flexible endings which are open enough to allow the player’s path to be reflected back at them and give them a feel of consequence. What visual novels offer here cannot be overstated as they provide the Raising Simulation with the ability to shape itself into whatever form it needs without having to constantly adjust to a more rigid form of narrative presentation.

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