Sunday, January 29, 2023

A new year has begun and in this month of new beginnings we all start out into an unknown future and visual novels are no different. It has been a quiet march across the start line for major releases with this month seeing none of note. However, it is exactly in this down time where the indie scene and fan translations can come to the front and make themselves felt. We have engaging Yuri and Otome, a visual novel and action rpg hybrid and an innovative game presented entirely through letters. Let’s look at what the first month has brought us.

Official Releases


Miracle Snack Shop -

Steam    VNDB     Genre – Slice of Life, Management Sim    Play Time – 7 hours

Fancy something sweet? Well this visual novel has you covered in both senses of the word with the strange tale of a Korean snack shop. Rather than being a pure visual novel this is a hybrid with a management sim where the day to day running of the snack shop is simulated to immerse the player in the narrative. It also has a sizeable fantasy element in the form of a main heroine, Philia Salis, who appears from a portal and is queen of an icy land, and this should give you an idea of the overall tone of the game and, while there are a few twists, it mostly sticks to it throughout the entire play time. It is not everyday we get an interesting Korean visual novel like this translated into English and it is a refreshing insight into a culinary culture different from what is normal for Japanese or English language releases. If you are looking for something short and a bit different then Miracle Snack Shop is for you.


A Maiden Astrologer Divines the Future -

Steam    VNDB    Genre – Yuri, Slice of Life    Play Time – 5 hours

Various kinds of divination are often used as throw away tropes and are rarely given the spotlight as the central narrative device. A Maiden Astrologer Divines The Future aims to buck this trend with a heart-warming Yuri story which makes full use of divination as its core thematic element. The story follows Mizushiro Isumi as she divines the future for her clients in a small coffee shop, but strange things start happening around her and as she starts to investigate she meets a girl named Maki and her life will soon be reshaped by their bond. Since this is a short game the emphasis is placed on the main relationship and its dynamic to hold the entire experience up and for the most part it succeeds with a pairing which showcase how to play contrasting personalities off one another. Overall it is an excellent bite sized and comfortable romance story with a distinctive spin on the formula.

Hoping This Finds You Well -    VNDB     Genre – Historical, LGBT    Play Time – 30 mins

Finding the right words to communicate your feelings is hard and it is easy to get sidetracked with unimportant details. This is what Hoping This Finds You Well captures through its choice to present its narrative as a series of letters written backwards and forwards between two people. The result is a tale which show both the intimacy and distance present in a relationship and how people can talk passed each other even when they mean well. A relationship is an awkward and messy thing were both participants are never completely sure what the other is thinking and this is something the game manages to express with surprising emotion. It is an extremely short visual novel but has some of the most unique presentation in recent memory and a concisely told story that does exactly what is sets out to do.

Tristia: Restore - 

Steam     VNDB     Genre – Fantasy, Action Game    Play Time – 10 hours

Having a genius protagonist risks alienating the player when the character achieve their goals with little effort and cheats the narrative out of the catharsis of overcoming the odds. The answer which Tristia: Restore reached was to lean into a light hearted tone and play up the endearing characteristics of its protagonist to make her victories still hold meaning as you want to see her succeed in her good natured deeds. Thus in Nanoca Flanca we have a protagonist who makes for a most entertaining point of view character for this action/visual novel hybrid game. This is a game that lets you know immediately it does not want to be taken seriously. From the moment you start the game the colours and dialogue sell the low stakes and relaxing vibe it proceeds to immerse you into. Something for those who want a light and simple story with action gameplay to keep them engaged.

Fan Translations


Brothers Conflict: Precious Baby -

Patch Download    VNDB    Genre – Otome, Romance    Play Time – 60 hours

The dream of being surrounded by hot guys is very much alive in Brothers Conflict: Precious Baby and it knows exactly what its Otome loving audience wants to see. This is a game which is very open with its romantic fantasy to the point of being slightly absurd and, while it might turn off some people, those it resonates with will find a visual novel that knows how to play to the strengths of the genre. When Asahina Ema’s mother remarries Ema suddenly gains eleven new brothers and the player gains a wide selection of romance options all with the spice of forbidden love. Given how spread thin the play time is between each hero, there is an astonishing level of character definition achieved for all of them and this goes a long way in selling them as legitimately compatible with Ema. While this is not a visual novel for everyone, but it knows its audience and for them this is a gem worth their time.

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