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Finding a developer who understands how to subtly and cleverly invoke emotion and play with expectations is a rare occurrence and the developer we will be highlighting today is one such example. Ebi-hime is an indie developer with extensive catalogue of visual novels in a variety of genres from cute yuri stories to examinations of obsession. You can track the growth of her talent as a writer through her games as her distinctive style becomes more pronounced over time and she is always pushing herself out into new settings and thematic ideas. Let’s dive into why Ebi-hime is someone who’s games you should be picking up.

Developer Overview

When it comes to romance stories which are sweet or have an interesting twist to them Ebi-hime is a developer who understands how to play to the audiences expectations and play off them to achieve thematic goals. Her style is one which empathises emotion to create both resonance with the player and tension which works in tandem to invest them in the narrative. This leads to a lot of her stories being very internally focused within the mind of the protagonist or other key characters meaning we get an extensive look at their growing feelings, be they positive or negative in nature. The result of this approach is character centric games without much in the way of external driving forces and instead one where each character’s actions visibly ripple through those around them. From the powerful to the subtle, emotions and their consequences are the beating heart of Ebi-himes works.
A noticeable feature of Ebi-himes stories is their adherence to a ‘real world’ setting with the almost complete lack of fantastical elements unless the story absolutely needs them. This creates a grounded sense of place within her work and while her stories are set within many different locations and times they never lose the familiarity of the known. This choice adds an almost tactile feeling to the world and characters, as if they are so close to your own experiences that you might be able to reach out and touch them. As such when a fantasy element is added in it stands out all the more due to its contrast with the mundane and makes this little bit of spice able to present its narrative purpose with a clarity it would have lacked in a purer fantasy setting.

Selection of Notable Works


The Way We All Go -

Steam   VNDB 

This was the game through which I found Ebi-hime and despite her modern work having a more refined writing style it still has many of the qualities which make her stories special. It is a narrative which classifies itself as a hybrid of horror and romance and this is an apt description for a game centred around human based horror. We can see here an example of a recurring interest by Ebi-hime in characters who are less than mentally stable which pops up repeatedly in various forms. In this game it takes the shape of a yandere heroine who is the main driver of the darker elements of the plot as well as the more interesting narrative beats. As with most of Ebi-hime’s work, the game is the incredibly effective at presenting the emotions and thoughts of the characters from their happiest moment to their  darkest depression and it invokes empathy to make the player feel involved in each moment. To top it all off the game plays with common clichés, such as returning to a home town and the childhood friend, in order to set exceptions and betray them when the time is right. Even after all these years I would still recommend The Way We All Go as a good entry point into Ebi-hime’s work if you want something which leans a little closer to the familiar elements of visual novel storytelling.

Rituals In The Dark - 

Rituals In The Dark is one of the many yuri romance stories which Ebi-hime has written but what makes this one stand out is its effective use of tone to sell tension without anything explicitly dangerous happening. The core relationship between the weak willed Aspen and the mysterious Althea is characterised by the dancing around each other they do as Aspen tries to figure out Althea while Althea is playing her own game. Having two get to know one another and find intimacy in that bond is sold through a sweet and well paced development which unfurls in a satisfying manner that sticks in the mind long after the game ends. The idea of a haunted house is the backdrop of this tale and confronting and dispelling that conception is at the core of the conflict. This plays well into the Aspen-Althea relationship by adding an underlying tension about why Althea is in the house of a dead women. To top it all off it is set in Scarborough, what more could you want?

Lynne -

Steam   VNDB 

When it comes to horror Ebi-hime truly hit the nail on the head with Lynne for there is nothing scarier than being a teenager. While this is the shortest game listed here, it is the story which is the easiest to empathise with as we were all teenagers once and know how painful it can be. Lynne perfectly captures this feeling of not being in control both of yourself and the world around you. It plays out these ideas in a way which sells the oppressiveness of our protagonist’s mental state as adds weight to every word and image presented to us. The simple nature of the narrative and its short play time also compliment this feeling as there is never a moment when it does not focus on this roller-coaster of emotions.

Blackberry Honey -

Steam   VNDB 

This is one of Ebi-hime’s more well known titles and for good reasons and it simultaneously shows off her talent for sweet romance stories and powerful dramas. The unusual setting of 19th century England helps distinguish the game within the visual novel space while at the same time providing a sense of place which seeps into the player’s perception of events. By combining her skill with character writing and this distinct sense of place, Ebi-hime is able to make the romance between our two female leads feel powerful and earned in the face of the conflicts around them. The contrast between Lorina and Taohua allows for some excellent banter which reinforces the idea of their growing relationship and well as the distance which exists between their experiences. Overall, this is one of Ebi-hime’s strongest character romance stories and is an exceptional example of the quality of her work.

All Ashes And Illusions -

Steam   VNDB 

The final game being covered here is one of Ebi-hime’s most recent works and an excellent example of the variety of subject matter she covers through her games. All Ashes And Illusions is the story of a prince who develops a dangerous obsession with his childhood nursemaid and explores an unequal power relationship, something not many games are willing to do. Adding to its uniqueness is the choice of a middle eastern setting which works together with the themes and relationships to create a uniquely colourful and gripping narrative. This is not a story of the faint of heart but those who are willing to engage it on its terms will find out the range of styles Ebi-hime can work within and how well crafted her work can truly be.

In Conclusion


If it was not clear from this overview, Ebi-hime is a creator of many talents and the quality of her creations is something truly impressive. While she may not be what you are looking for if you want a hardcore fantasy or sci-fi experience, her focus on grounded settings has yielded some of the most powerful stories in the medium. I encourage you to check out her page (link at the top of the page) and see if there is anything which takes your fancy within the plethora of excellent content available there.


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