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- Amnesia: Memories Review - A Wonderland Of Love And Paranoia
Sunday, September 18, 2022
Genre – Otome, Mystery, Drama. Play Time – 35 hours. Developer – Otomate and Design Factory. Steam VNDB
Reinvigorating The Cliché
amnesia as plot device is a common tactic by many creators who want
to put the protagonist on the same level as the player, but its use rarely
goes beyond being an excuse for exposition. Enter Amnesia: Memories,
as you might have been able to guess from its name this is a story
about a protagonist with amnesia. However, unlike many other titles
this one uses the amnesia as a key point to build around and create
tension between the player and the unknown. This is a game about
uncertainty, be it in relationships or unknown motivations, and
overcoming it to build a future together with the one you love. It is
also a perfect example of the pros and cons of a complete self-insert
protagonist and how it can be used to effectively sell a tone and
immerse the player. Overall it is a very interesting example of its
genre and as we move forward you too will come to appreciate how it
achieves its success.
Can You Every Truly Know Another? - Narrative and Theme
it comes to narrative complexity Amnesia: Memories is on the simpler
side with a focus on a few well worn themes and ideas. It is how
these elements are put together which raises it above many of its
kin. The methods it uses to achieve its success are focused around
putting the player in an unknown social situation and asking them who
they can trust. Back this up with a solid selection of romance
options and the result is quite impressive given how similar it is to
its peers on a base level.
vast majority of the tension present throughout the story originates
for the question of who to trust. By placing the protagonist in the
same position of ignorance as the player through their amnesia the
player cannot look to the protagonist's interactions for guidance which enhances
the sense of isolation. Feeling out which of the male leads you can
trust and tentatively getting to know them forms
the bulk of the experience. The acts of opening yourself
up to these people through the protagonist is a strangely cathartic
experience and adds an intimacy to character moments knowing that
they had to earn your trust. Later in a route the tension provided
by the unknown is refocused solely on the hero who is the object of
the romance and in some cases even ratchets it up further by
revealing a hidden side to a person you thought that you knew.
Through the game’s willingness to play into our fear of the unknown
and shift the source of that uncertainty when needed it can achieve
an engaging current to push the player to continue to play.
a strong sense of romantic storytelling is key to the success of any
otome and Amnesia is no exception. Each hero is distinct from one
another both in terms of personality and the content of their routes
and this allows the player choose from a wide variety of experiences
to meet their tastes. This mixing of choice and blind uncertainty
heightens the romantic tension between the player and their selected
hero and feeds into their investment in the struggles of that
character. By playing on this feeling, the narrative of the route can
hold the player's interest though the slow revelation of the hero’s
flaws and their intimacy with the protagonist. While the actual
content of the routes is not necessarily the most original for an
otome, it uses the above techniques to obscure this with a sincere
presentation of the story which does its utmost to sell the emotions
of each scene.
The one major issue with this approach is the fact
that there are times in the story when it can come across as nothing
more than a hot guy buffet for the player to choose from, rather than
a selection of believable people for you to invest yourself into.
This is mostly a side effect of the blind choices presenting options
whose only immediately perceivable consequence is the affection of a specific hero and leads to it feeling a little shallow at times.
However, the problem is only really noticeable after a few play
throughs when you have a feel for the game’s tricks, before that point you
are too focused on the tension of the unknown to notice it.
order to maintain momentum over the course of a long game, Amnesia has
an overarching plot which links all the routes together through
common narrative elements as the truth is slowly revealed. These
revolve around the protagonist’s amnesia and the more supernatural
aspects of the story. In order to not spoil the nature of these twists
I am forced to be vague but I will endeavour to give my high level
thoughts on the subject. Broadly speaking this method of storytelling
is less effective in the separate routes than it is in final
conclusion route. What is shown off in each hero’s route is
ultimately too minor to be memorable and is smothered by the more
compelling central narrative of the route, which results in these
revelations being easily forgotten between routes leading to a lack of
any sense of build up. On the other hand the final route makes up for
this by providing a cathartic pay off to a game’s worth of
emotional build up. This is not only for the focused characters but for the
cast more generally and acts as an excellent send off for the
narrative. Since it is also the last thing you will play in the
game it leaves a strong positive impression which helps obscure the lackluster build up to the route.
Full And Empty People - Characters
the characters of Amnesia: Memories presents an interesting problem
as it is a narrative defined by the presence of a none-character as
much as it is by the heroes. This gaping void takes the form of the
protagonist and their complete lack of personality creates a unique
set of problems and opportunities. Of course the main cast are still
the stars of the show with an excellent variety of personalities
which clash and complement the overall narrative choices of the game.
a self-insert protagonist who only speaks through the dialogue
choices made by the player is hardly a special feature of Amnesia
with the dozens of other game which uses this narrative device,
especially in the mobile gacha space. Instead what makes it stand
out is the way in which it commits to this protagonist for the purposes of
immersion and building atmosphere. Rather than being content to
simply let the player project themselves onto the protagonist,
Amnesia takes things a step further by placing the protagonist, and
thus the player, in a position of vulnerability through her amnesia
and the contrasting information provided by a cast of unknown people
who claim to know her. By bringing the player and protagonist closer
together it makes it easier to blur the line between the two and
allow the player to experience similar emotions to the protagonist
through their emotional investment into her.
inclusion of a self-insert protagonist comes with a few noticeable
downsides. First of all there is the issue of how to fill the down
time where the protagonist is on their own or where the narrative
needs to express some idea or feeling and cannot use another main
character to do so. The answer to this problem for Amnesia and many
other games using similar protagonists is to have a companion
character who acts as the voice of the narrative and set the mood or
delivers exposition. In this case the role is assumed by Orion, a
character whom only the protagonist can see and plays a critical role
in the plot as the instigator of the amnesia issue. While he is
relatively inoffensive for the most part, there are times when it
becomes too obvious that he is the voice of the developer trying to
push you into a certain state of mind and in these moments he can
come across as an irritation.
The second issue with this choice of
protagonist is the lack of proper back and forth between her and the
male leads. This results in sections where the hero talks at the
protagonist rather than having an interaction with them as a consequence
of her silent status and developer not wanting to overuse choices in order to
keep them feeling special. Thankfully these moments are uncommon, but
when they do happen they can bring you out of the experience by
making you more aware of the limitations of this narrative design
choice instead of focusing on the emotional weight of what is being
majority of the main cast consists of the attractive men who form the
list of potential love interests for the player. They embody of a
great array of personalities to interact with as
they slowly reveal their secrets to the protagonist. We have
characters like the womanising Ikki and the sharp tongued Kent who play off
each other and the protagonist to create some excellent banter and
sow doubt in the players mind about their intentions. There has been
a conscious choice on the part of the developer to have characters
with a trait which casts some doubt on them such as how Ikki can
be strangely observant at times and Touma can overstep boundaries
without care. Under normal circumstances these traits would not be
important and may even be overlooked by the player, but given the way
the game emphasises the sense of tension and mistrust, these simple
acts become suspicious within that paranoid mindset. Together with
their strong characterisation these heroes paint an engaging picture
for the player to examine and reflect on as they try to pick apart
their mask and see the truth.
A Dream Across Every Inch - Visual, Audio and Technical
presentation and technical aspects are somewhat of a mix bag with the
game playing it safe in many areas while still having a flair of its
own. The overall package is of a high quality due to this title being
from a larger studio and established design of their
games shows itself throughout. However, this comes at the cost of
being unable to distinguish itself from its peers and failing to
keep up the quality set by the narrative.
area which does not disappoint is the art direction with striking
colours and patterns across every surface and character. The four
suits of playing cards is the motif which the game uses for its
visual design with each of the main hero being associated with one of them
and assigned an appropriate colour to match. Presenting the
characters and environments through this stylised imagery creates a
striking contrast between each hero and keeps the artwork feeling
stimulating over the course of the entire game. Alongside these
elements Amnesia chooses to have each background make use of contrast
and vague outlines leading to an almost dreamlike feeling to the
events playing out in them. The CG similarly play up this strong
visual identity, but here it is used to create intimacy and focus on
the emotion or idea the image is attempting to invoke by carefully
emphasising the key element with distinctive designs and colours.
Together the package understand how to play to the strengths of the
medium and makes sure each aspect can shine in the appropriate
music of Amnesia is less impressive than its art with a soundtrack
which is somewhat forgettable. However, this is not the same as bad.
Within the game itself each piece serves to set the mood of a scene and compliment the visuals and writing while not drawing attention away
from them. In the moment the soundscape it creates can provide a
powerful identity to what it accompanies, but outside of that instance
you will struggle to remember it in any detail. It is very much a
genre standard soundtrack and may feel familiar to those who have
played otome or other romance visual novels.
terms of features and technical polish Amnesia is the base level you
would expect from a visual novel with a few interesting additions.
This is to say that it has the standard list of features, such as a
gallery and a skip function. On top of this is has an in-game
tracker for the affection, trust and suspicion of your chosen hero
which is useful when it comes to figuring out what choices raise each
value. There is one strange feature in this package and that is a set
of mini-games only available on the main menu. These are incredibly
detached from the rest of the game's content to the point where you
would question why they even exist, but I suppose they are there for
those who want a distraction from the main game. Regardless, those
playing Amnesia will not find it wanting on the systems level and most
likely will not notice any potential improvement which could have
been made.
Verdict – 7/10 –
Amnesia: Memories is a game as much distinguished as harmed by its
commitment to creating tension and immersing the player in the role
of the protagonist.
+ The male leads give a good variety to narrative and the types of
relationships on offer to the player.
A satisfying final route which raps up all the hanging plot threads
in a nice bow and feels suitably final.
One of the strongest uses of a self-insert to sell the bond between
player and protagonist and create a palpable tension through the unknown.
The art style adds a dream like quality to the game and helps sell
the atmosphere and the romantic fantasy.
Having a self-insert protagonist can hurts character interactions and
leads to some stilted scenes.
At times it can be a blatant buffet of hot men for the player to
choose from to the point of being off-putting.
- A mediocre soundtrack and lack of interesting technical features hold the game back from being a more well rounded package.