Sunday, May 14, 2023

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From The Depths of Space To The Heart Of An Idol

One of the greatest advantages of the approach to visual novel development outside of Japan is the range of different themes and gameplay styles a developer can mix into their games. Love In Space are an excellent showcase of the innovation and freedom this allows and how it can push a developer into new directions to not only create exciting future titles but also improve upon existing series. Their portfolio of titles covers two main through lines, these being the Sunrider and the Shining Song Starnova games and these two could not be more different from one another in terms of content with one being a sci-fi adventure and the other being grounded in the idol industry. You can never be quite sure what Love In Space will do next and how they will put a new spin on something familiar. Just when you think you have them pinned down they take a turn into somewhere you least expected. Now let’s dive in and see what exactly makes Love In Space’s approach to visual novel development work and how has been reshaped over time.

Developer Overview 

When it comes to the output of Love In Space they lean heavily into the realm of hybrid visual novels, these being visual novels with another gameplay style attached to them which emphasises the narrative being told in some manner. These complementary elements come in many different forms from tactics gameplay to dating sims, but all work to help the visual novel sections communicate their messages and ideas. It is this balance between the two competing halves of their games which is by far Love In Space’s greatest talent and the biggest reason to play their games. However, this is not to say that they cannot create brilliant pure visual novels as when they turn their skills to this task they prove that their stories can stand up on their own and do not need the accompanying alternative gameplay elements to shine brightly. This ability to occupy both ends of the spectrum of visual novels gives them a depth of perspective that helps inform each new title they make in a way which creates a compounding of experience and the results of this process speak for themselves.
Sitting beside this flexibility of mechanics and approach to what defines their visual novels is Love In Space’s wide range of themes, settings and subject matters. This is a developer who thought that pivoting from space adventures to idol management was the way to go and through their deft hand actually managed to pull this transition off. Despite their regular shifts in gameplay and narrative style there is an emotional and character driven focus which ties their work together and defines their identity as a developer. This manifests in their fixation on motivations and how they like to deeply pull at a character’s inner thoughts to help the player get a rich understanding of these people and their struggles. Above all else empathy is what each interaction and carefully crafted plot point drives home with an impact that is both satisfying and lingers in your perception of the characters involved.

Selection of Notable Works


The Sunrider Series

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Upon the wings of the Sunrider Love In Space came into their own and had their first big success. Now consisting of four entities, the Sunrider series follows the adventures of Kayto Shields as he commands the titular Sunrider through its spacefaring exploits and the crew who reside within it. These games are the best showcase of the improvement of Love In Space’s skill set and refining of what they want their games to present to the player. Comparing First Arrival to the most recent game Captain’s Return is like night and day. Everything has improved across the board from the artwork to writing and the gameplay has been completely reinvented to inject new life into the ailing systems. However, despite all these changes the core identity of the series shines through in exactly the same way. This is a tale of a captain and his crew and the games never lose sight of that fact as each one of the characters has to grapple with the conflicts they encounter and the truths they uncover. These people never remain the same but they do retain what makes them who they are and Love In Space knows how to make that an exciting and wondrous journey through the star and people’s hearts.

Shining Song Starnova

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Idols were not what many expected from Love In Space after the success of Sunrider, yet that was exactly what they did and the result was a fresh experience that maintained the core strengths of the developer. The game follows the rise of a producer in his new job and the misfit girls who will bloom into stars on the idol stage and it charts their struggles to overcome their flaws and create a future for themselves. This is by far their most character focused work and has quite a large cast and the similarly large number of routes, but despite this broad nature there in an intimacy to the player’s relationship with each heroine that helps sell them as people. Each route knows how to focus in on the main heroine to get the most out of their conflict without losing sight of the other character’s relationships and how they relate to the main pair. While the overall plots of the routes might be more familiar to those who have played other romance visual novel, there is a considerable effort to introduce at least one exiting twist to the standard formula per route.

Sunrider Academy

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With Sunrider Academy we can see Love In Space’s first attempt to move away from the turn based tactics gameplay that they had up to this point been relying on. What they chose to experiment with is the dating sim genre with a heavy focus on stat management and a tight time frame to achieve the results need to secure the heroine’s affection. Taking the Sunrider cast and placing them in a slightly sci-fi school setting was a stroke of genius as it allows for these characters to present another side to their personalities which is born of this lower stakes environment. The heroines are introduced as the heads of their failing clubs and Shields is tasked with bringing each club into a reasonable state or they will be shut down. As a starting point for a relationship this is excellent as it pushes Shields into direct contact with the heroines in a position of mutual interest from which the more personal conflict can spawn. You can see many of the beats and techniques that Love In Space would later refine in the Starnova games.

Shining Song Starnova: Idol Empire

The logical continuation of the original Starnova was to give the player direct control over the management aspects of the setting now that the character arcs have all be concluded and this is exactly what Idol Empire does for the series. Idol Empire has the player juggling all the parts of the idol industry in a package which has fun playing with the previous game’s established relationships and presenting a dynamic set of systems. The various modes allow for the player to express themselves and engage with the gameplay in whatever manner they desire as some modes promote a focused story while others give them a tool box to freely play with. Having the confidence to present so many options to the player and being sure that no matter what they choose they will have a good time is testament to how far Love In Space has come with their unique identity and how much confidence they have in it. There is a definite sense that this has been built upon their previous experiences which they gained from Sunrider Academy and remade here into a more refined and for purpose product that truly shines because of the insights gained beforehand.


Love In Space is a developer who has formed a unique and flexible identity that has served them well over a variety of settings and mechanics while providing the player with new and fun visual novels to play. Focusing in on the characters and making them the core of their narratives through the lens of motivations and picking away at what makes them tick through well thought out conflicts gives their games a common and strong core to form around. Coupled with their ability to smoothly introduce new gameplay styles to their visual novels and the resulting packages are compelling in a way that few other developers can match.

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