Sunday, February 26, 2023


Even with Valentine’s day now behind us there is still love in the air in the world of visual novels as new releases line up to try and grab your attention. February is a busy month for big game releases and visual novels are not going to be left behind with a suit of excellent titles, the best of which I have lined up for you bellow. We have several Sci-fi stories each with their own unique twist, romances from vastly different historical settings and a new death game on the block. So let’s dive into the month of love and find our perfect match. 

Official Releases


The Future Radio And The Artificial Pigeons

Steam    VNDB     Genre – Sci-fi, Drama, Mystery    Play Time – 20 hours

You know you are in for some good sci-fi when the core concepts of the story are artificial pigeons that eat radio waves and a radio broadcast from the future foretelling the protagonist’s death. This post-apocalypse setting has a strange serenity to its world and those who live within it, as if the disaster washed away the larger issues of the world and reduced it to only local conflicts. The idea of connections and how difficult communication between people can be stands at the centre of this game’s narrative and is implement in each route in inventive ways for each heroine making sure to capture what defines them. It is rare to have such an impressive merger of the best qualities of the romance genre with compelling sci-fi ideas that contain themes which tie the whole experience together and help hold the player’s interest. The Future Radio and the Artificial Pigeons is a visual novel people will remember for years to come and is definitely worth your time.

The Crimson Flower That Divides: Lunar Coupling

Steam    VNDB    Genre – Otome, Middle East    Play Time – 32 hours

Given how distinctive Arabian style aesthetics are for establishing mood and expectation, it is surprising how few visual novels actually utilise them. The Crimson Flower That Divides is one of those rare games which understands the value it can get out of this underappreciated genre and puts it to use in creating otome romances. It presents the beauty of the Middle Eastern style setting as a veil behind which the darker elements of human nature manifest and this allows the bright colours and striking shapes to take on a more sinister meaning. This world of royalty and barbarity leaves a memorable impression and helps sell the value of each romance as well as the challenges the characters have to overcome. If you are looking for an otome with a sense of place and life beyond just the love interests then this is the game for you.

Your Turn To Die -Death Game By Majority-

Steam    VNDB    Genre – Death Game, Mystery    Play Time – 12 hours

The fact that Death Games have become their own distinct sub-genre is a testament to how versatile this formula is for creating engaging stories. Your Turn To Die is its the latest incarnation and it is clear that the game takes a lot of influence from Danganronpa. In particular its focus on smaller tense situations with the greater plot developing in the background owes a lot to its parent. Despite the game’s similarities to Danganronpa it distinguishes itself through a darker art style which emphases contrasting colours with areas of black to invoke emotions and an overall more serious tone while still having a self awareness of just how silly the whole concept is. This visual novel’s status as an early access title might put some people, but what is here is a strong showing and holds promise for the final product, so if you are willing to put up with the gradually addition of content then it is well worth your time.

Qualia ~The Path of Promise~

Steam    VNDB    Genre – Romance, Slice of Life    Play Time – 7 hours

Sometimes you just need something simple and sweet and Qualia is exactly what the doctor ordered with a side of artificial intelligence. This is a fairly straight romance with a single heroine around a single theme and this tight focus combined with its short run time make for an experience which does not outlive its welcome. Having a robot character as a main player in the narrative is nice touch to spice things up and while it does follow the cliché of the machine learning to be human plot line it is done with such sincerity it cannot help but feel charming. A recommendation for those who want something to relax with that is not challenging but has heart to it.


Steam    VNDB    Genre – Sci-fi, Action, Mecha    Play Time – 12 hours

Once again Liar-Soft returns to their strange mix of sci-fi, mecha and furries for a sequel to ALPHA-NIGHTHAWK and it is just as much of an enigma as that game was when it released. There are few developers who can merge these styles into a complete package while still having a comprehensive and engaging narrative, and the fact that Liar-Soft has now done it twice makes the feat even more impressive. This time round the story focueses on the mysterious Hanako who has a childish personality and is deeply tied to the events transpiring in ways which tie perfectly into the game’s themes while making her an excellent foil to the morally fixated protagonist Yousuke. Their dynamic is a delightful one as each learns what it means to live for themselves through their relationship with each other and the reactions of those around them. BETA-SIXDOUZE is a truly unique game and is something you should definitely play if you are up for a strongly Liar-Soft experience.

Fan Translations


WHITE ALBUM 2 - Mini-After Story

Patch Download    VNDB   Genre – Romance, Slice of Life    Play Time – 3 hours

It has been a long journey through the two chapters of White Album 2 but there are still a few loose ends to tie up and this is what Mini-After Story aims to resolve. This fandisc consists of two after stories for Kazusa and Setsuna set follow their true endings and these form the entirety of the game’s content. As such this visual novel is aim squarely at people who are already invested in the previous two games and want more time with these specific characters. For them Mini-After Story provides the same level of quality as the original games both in terms of visual presentation and writing which results in on of the strongest targeted fandiscs ever made.

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