Saturday, November 26, 2022

The year has gone by so fast, it is hard to believe we are on the cusp of December and Christmas is right around the corner. This month has been a relatively quiet one for visual novel releases, no doubt due to the closeness of the holiday season. However, despite this there have been a few noteworthy titles which will be covered here and they have an exciting variety to them including a conclusion to a mystery trilogy and an intriguing thriller tale. So without further ado let’s find out what has shaped the world of VNs this month.

Official Releases


Hoshizora no Memoria -Eternal Heart-

Steam      VNDB    Genre – Slice of Life, Romance, Fantasy.    Play Time – 20 hours
Seeing the release of the Hoshizora no Memoria fandisc, Eternal Heart, makes me feel like an old man. I remember playing the fan patched version of Hoshizora back in 2012 and thinking that we would likely never get a translation of the fandisc. However, after all these long years it has arrived and is everything I had hoped for. Eternal Heart contains additional story routes for Mare and Yume as well as after stories for the rest of the heroines. The sections dedicated to Yume and Mare are the main appeal of this game since the original Hoshizora did not entirely complete their stories, which is especially true in the case of Mare. For the most part these additions succeed in expanding on what was established and providing suitable catharsis to their stories and if you wanted closure for their stories this provides handily. The after stories are also of a good quality, but there is a definite sense while playing them that their narratives is just going through the motions with characters who’s journeys are over. This is a package designed for fans of the original game and while it does add noticeable strength for Yume and Mare, it will not appeal to those who had mixed feeling about the original.

Gore Screaming Show

JAST Store    VNDB    Genre – Horror, Mystery.    Play Time – 25 hours
JAST seem to have made it their niche to release older visual novels and Gore Screaming Show is their latest addition to the list. The first thing that should be brought up is that, being a horror game, Gore Screaming Show touches on ideas and imagery which may not be for everyone so make sure to check if you are okay with its content before playing (as you should with any horror game). With that out of the way, it is interesting to see an older horror VN and how it shapes up to a more modern sensibility. This is a game which released in 2006 and has the elements visual style that one would expect for the era and it gives Gore an undeniable charm which it knows how to twist it to unsettle the player. On top of this, the overarching mystery is a surprisingly interesting one given how it is initially presented and does a good job at incentivising you to keep playing. If you are interested in seeing an older style of horror in the visual novel medium then Gore Screaming Show may well be what you are looking for.

Milk inside a bag of milk inside a bag of milk / Milk outside a bag of milk outside a bag of milk

Nintendo Eshop      VNDB    Genre – Surreal, Meta.    Play Time – 3 hours

Switch users are getting another great visual novel port to add to their library with this double release. It combines two releases by Nikita Krjukov into a single package and the result is a the best way to experience these games. Trying to talk about these games is somewhat difficult for two reasons, firstly they are incredibly short so saying anything about them is some kind of spoiler and secondly they are just so surreal that talking about them almost immediately descends into a discussion of the themes and ideas of the narrative. These are games which are not very straight with the player and ask them to engage with what is being presented to build a complete picture of the themes and ideas on offer. Its relatively short length also compliments this allowing for repeat playthroughs in a short time frame and not outstaying its welcome. Combining these two elements and you have a bite-size and thoughtful visual novel which is well worth your time.

A Clockwork Ley-Line: Flowers Falling in the Morning Mist

Steam     VNDB    Genre – Mystery, Fantasy.    Play Time – 20 hours
This is final installment of the Clockwork Ley-Line trilogy and comes hot on the heels of the previous game without the massive gap between releases which happened last time. The second game left the series in an interesting position with some big plot twists and Flowers Falling in the Morning Mist picks up these threads and runs with them into an exciting finale. It is also a much more even experience than the first game which had to spend its play time setting up the world and characters or the second game which was occupied with the big twists. However, there is no real effort to accommodate new players in this game and if you have not already played the previous two entries then I recommend you start with them rather than this final entry.

Scar of the Doll

Nintendo Eshop     VNDB   Genre – Thriller, Mystery.    Play Time – 4 hours
Our final visual novel this month is an odd one. This is a remake of a much older title which started out life on the PC in 1999 before being ported to IOS and then back to PC and is now a Nintendo Switch game. It latest incarnation boasts a shift into a more modern anime style aesthetic, a remastered soundtrack, additional story content and the strange option to turn the horror elements on or off. The narrative is focused around Kamijou Asumi and her search for her older sister who she has lost contact with. In this pursuit she uncovers disturbing facts which undermine what she thought she knew and her life ends up the firing line against an unexpected threat. Overall, this is a solid and short VN with enough charm to keep you entertained over its duration. Something to pick up if you want some quick thriller amusement.

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