Archive for March 2025

Sorcery Jokers Review – The Many Sides Of Magic

Genre - Urban Fantasy, Action, Thriller    Play Time - 35 hours    Developer - 3rdEye    Steam    VNDB


Urban Wonderland

In a world reshaped by the sudden appearance of magic, two young men from vastly different walks of life find themselves on interweaving paths as they work to uncover the tangled web lurking just under the surface. It is these dual protagonist which define much of what makes Sorcery Jokers stand out amongst the many other urban fantasy visual novels. There is a clever contrast between the lives they lead and sides of the conspiracy they uncover and it lends itself to a well rounded and textured tale of action and intrigue. Characters also play off this contrast but create a connection between the two halves as they wander back and forth across the boundaries. The visual and audio compliment this approach with an artistic and auditory language for each protagonist and the in game flowchart helps reinforce this trend. When it comes to properly paying off all of this build up is where Sorcery Jokers can often stubble to disappointing results. Yet even these messy conclusions have a certain charm to them as the game pushes forwards. Do all the pieces come together to create a title worthy of its genre? Let’s activate our magic and find out.

Depths Of Conspiracy – Narrative and Themes

Despite the existence of magic being known to all and on full display, this is a story driven by hidden magically machinations and truths rather than larger than life battles. It does still have this sense of spectacle but those who are fighting are rarely the ones in charge of their own fate as they move to try and free themselves for invisible hands. Sorcery Jokers is more of a thriller than an action title and leans into the constant feeling of having the rung pulled out from under you while the characters try and find a way out of maze they have been dragged deep within. Having two protagonists from vastly different sides of this world assists in furthering this feeling of uncertainty and danger through providing the player with contrasting and conflicting view points on the same situations. This prevents the tension from become stale or predictable since the shifting perspectives can give the player new things to witness at regular intervals and helps them not become bored with either of the two sets of characters. When action is brought in it is often not over the top and is instead an intimate and vicious magical melee which all participants are walking a fine line between life and death. Framing the battles like this prevents the characters from appearing as if nothing can harm them with their powers as they offer little protection from the attacks of their enemies. Larger scale action set pieces only happen at key climatic points in the story and are a dramatic leap up in spectacle in order to sell just how important they are to everyone involved. They fit into this thriller tone through the way they act as a frantic scramble for survival and control over the fates of all those involved. Controlling the highs and lows is what Sorcery Jokers thrives on and it comes together as a wild roller-coaster of a ride.
The layers of action and intrigue run deep

A drawback to being so reliant on twists and turns is it can be difficult to provide a suitable payoff for each one. There is only so much time available to draw everything together and so some things get left by the wayside regardless of how important they once were to events or characters. This failure manifests as these plot points being shoved to the side in an anticlimactic manner, resolved with a deus machina or simply forgotten about. One of the most disappointing examples of this trend is the relationship between the antagonist Ruu and one of the protagonists Senri, they are shown to be two sides of the same coin and constantly get in each others way and so it would be expected they would have some kind of proper climax to this dynamic. Instead Senri just manifests a deus machina to instantly win the confrontation and neither side really learns or develops from this conclusion to the point it could have just been removed without any loss it the narrative. Something really has to have gone really wrong in the writing department for such a formerly important relationship to both characters to be cast aside. Weird choices like this plague the game from start to finish as it is so excited to show off its new toys to the player it forgets to resolve it old ones and just kicks them into a ditch. The rule of cool is king here and in order to get the most out of the title you have to be able to just roll with its punches and focus on the moment to moment excitement.

Two Paths To The Same Destination – Characters

Presenting two protagonists with such vastly different background, personalities and world views immediately gives Sorcery Jokers a strong texture to its narrative. On one side we have the naive and well off Mutsumi Haruto who attends a school dedicated to teaching people to control their magic and he is surrounded by children of CEO’s. Opposite him sits our other protagonist Senri who lives in the underbelly of the city and is wrapped up in all sorts of unsavoury dealings. This contrast is put to good use with the game showing the various sides of this world as well as the views on how its issues should be resolved. It helps create the sense of a living city where everyone moves with their own purpose often ignorant of the actions of those around them and just trying to make the most out of what they have. The two very different uses of magic also work to show the good and bad it has brought since its arrival into the world and how it has changed people’s perceptions of what is and is not possible. Each protagonist has their own separate inciting incident which sets them on the same path and how their journeys intertwine is a constant source of amusement as they unknowing influence each other. One minor flaw in this approach is that Senri is generally a more interesting character than Haruto since Senri's thoughts are more morally gray and he has the more complex companions due to rubbing shoulders with people who want to use him. This can make the game feel lopsided towards Senri with the feeling that he is the one who gets all the cool moments and important plot points.
The idea of the superhero is one the game loves to play off and with

Slipping the game down the middle like this also splits the cast up and the game organises them to take advantage of the divide. It assigns its protagonists a pair of heroines who work to create a complex web of emotions. One is a mirror for the protagonist and the other is a contrasting personality who undermines his world view. Haruto is given the sharp and pragmatic Atori Riku who clashes with his idealistic nature and Rikudou Asahi who shares his heroic tendencies but with a more directly outgoing nature. On the other hand Senri is paired with the two faced Kousaki Fiona Annabel who reflects the darker path he is set on while the innocent Noah could not be further away from them and serves as someone to bring out the good in both of them. Making the core cast so similar in composition on both sides invites the player to compare them against one another and consider the value of what drives each of them. The broader cast as reflects this inclination in a way designed to flesh out the world rather than directly challenge the protagonists. Their importance varies but they have enough time to feel like they exist beyond the confines of the story rather than being devices from narrative progression. 

Strange New Girls – Visual, Audio and Technical

As a title so focused on thrills and action, the visuals and audio play a large role in effectively communicating what is going on and selling the fast moving emotions of a scene. Conveying movement and power through smart arrangement and framing in relation to the music and text is the main trick Sorcery Jokers uses to achieve this effect. With a change is music comes a change in mood and the dynamic motion of the sprites and shifting CGs increases to match it while also matching the story. Through the use of standard magical imagery, such as magic circles, the game can rely on the player’s external knowledge so it does not have to spend time explain what is on screen and can instead dive straight into being exciting. A minor hiccup in these visuals is the way it can sometimes feel a bit off and stiff due to the limitations of the engine the developers were working within and this is distracting at times. It is worth bring up the excellent flowchart the game provides the player as it clearly shows all the important information about what is happening when and to whom so the constant protagonist jumping does not confuse the player. This is especially essential in the first half of the game where the protagonists do not always have scenes which occur at the same time and the game gives you the choice of what scene you would like to experience next.
This is one of the most effective and intersting uses of flowcharts in visual novels


There is something distinctly memorable about Sorcery Jokers and the way it crafts its urban fantasy tale which stems from how excited it seems to present its story. Its choice to have two protagonists is full taken advantage of through clever contrasts which extends into the rest of the cast who are slip between the pair. Controlling the highs and lows of its thrilling ride makes for a narrative where you feel like something new is always happening. Well formulated visuals and audio reinforce the action and drama of the story to make a visceral roller-coaster. If only it would actually resolve its plot points rather than moving on the next thing it is so excited to show you. Despite this disposition Sorcery Jokers remains a strong and enjoyable journey into a well realised world not so different from our own.

Verdict – 

The tapestry of multiple protagonists and interlocking paths define a wild adventure through a world of magical conspiracy and action which keeps you invested at every turn. It is a shame it can sometimes forget to properly pay off all the twists it sets up.

Pros - 

+ Keeps you on the edge of your seat with a thrilling ride of intrigue and action.
+ The dual protagonist and casts makes for a varied and fresh narrative as the characters’ stories interweave with each other.
+ A visual and auditory style which works to add pressure to the moments of tension and over the top flare to the moments of action.
+ Has a convenient flowchart to help keep track of how the two perspectives relate to one another and when certain events occur.

Cons -

- Often does not pay off older plot points properly as it wants to push you towards the new shiny thing rather than provide resolution to what came before.
- Senri is noticeably more interesting protagonist than Haruto and also gets a lot more of the important plot points leading the game to feeling unbalanced at times.
- Some uses of the CGs and sprites in action scenes can feel a little stiff at times.

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